truck accident lawyer
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5 Signs You Should Contact a Truck Accident Lawyer

In 2015, 3,852 people succumbed to truck accidents in the United States. Of these, 69 percent were occupants of vehicles other than the trucks. 15 percent were motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians.

If your loved one lost his or life in a truck accident, or you were lucky to make it out alive, it’s important to seek justice, especially if the truck driver was at fault.

But if you choose to fight this battle alone, you’ll soon bump into challenges that threaten to derail your quest for justice. When is time to get legal representation?

In this article, we’re sharing 5 signs you need to contact a truck accident lawyer.

1. You Lost a Loved One

The time after losing a life one to a truck accident is full of trauma, pain and confusion.

However, to get justice for your loved one, you need to gather your strength and get to the root cause of the accident. But without accident investigation skills and resources, it can be difficult to identify what caused the accident, or who was at fault.

If this is what you’re dealing with, then you need to contact a truck accident lawyer. These professionals have the resources to conduct a thorough investigation and establish the facts of the accident.

Even if it’s well known that the driver of the truck was at fault, you still need a lawyer to sue for wrongful death. Without a lawyer, you wouldn’t know whether to sue the driver, the trucking company or both.

Throughout the court proceedings, the lawyer will stand by your family, aggressively presenting the evidence the court needs to rule in your favor.

2. You Sustained Injuries

If you sustained injuries following a truck accident, your first action was to seek treatment.

Depending on the severity of your injuries, you could end spending thousands of dollars out of your own pocket. This is something you hadn’t planned for.

In addition to that, severe injuries may put you out of work for a long time. This means you’ll lose the ability to earn an income and support your family.

Is that it? Should you resign to your fate?

Get a truck accident lawyer who will evaluate your case and advise whether you need to seek compensation for your medical costs, as well as any loss of income.

3. You Need to Make an Insurance Claim

You have no doubt in your mind that you need to seek compensation for your losses. You are also well aware hiring a lawyer will cost you money, money you may be unwilling to lose. You opt to take on the other party’s insurer on your own.

This is a bad idea.

The process of seeking compensation, especially from a big company with the financial muscle to secure the service of top lawyers, can be complicated. From determining the compensation amount to filling out all the paperwork, it’s easy to quickly feel overwhelmed.

Even if you’ve successfully sought compensation (without a lawyer) in the past, no case is quite the same.

You need to hire a lawyer who specializes in truck accidents to guide you through the process. The lawyer will help you file all the relevant paperwork, including your treatment records and medical bills.

4. The Truck Driver Is Denying Fault

Most car insurers will tell you that in the event of an accident, do not admit liability. Admitting liability means you are legally responsible for the accident, and that could invalidate your policy. It’s unfair, but it’s an age-old industry practice.

When you’re involved in a truck accident, the truck driver will most likely deny liability, even if they’re clearly on the wrong. They can even blame you.

When this happens, know you are in for a huge battle.

The smart thing to do is to contact a truck accident lawyer. Even if the driver denies fault on the scene or thereafter, he knows the tide can turn if the matter goes to court.

A good lawyer will threaten to sue the driver and their employer if they’re not willing to admit liability. If they don’t budge, count on the lawyer to make good his threat to sue.

5. You’ve Got a Quick Settlement Offer

It’s not always that a truck driver contests fault for an accident.

In such cases, the driver and their employer certainly believe they stand to lose more time and money if they let the case go to court.

So their insurer takes a shortcut and offers you a quick settlement offer.

As the victim, the offer could tempt you. Perhaps you spent $30,000 on treatment and other costs, and they are offering $50,000. In your view, the offer is a good deal.

Stop! Don’t even think of accepting it – at least not yet.

Contact a truck accident lawyer and let him go through the offer. Don’t be surprised to learn that the insurance company is offering way too low than what you really deserve. The lawyer will get in touch with the insurance company with a revised claim, and ensure they pay out what you deserve.

Contacting a Track Accident Lawyer Is the Right Thing to Do

When you hit the highway, getting into an accident is the last thing your mind, but the risk is always there.

If the worst happens and you or your loved one is hit by a truck, never shy away from going after the driver. To enhance your chances of getting justice, be it reaching a settlement or putting the driver behind bars, you need an experienced truck accident lawyer by your side.

For more tips on how to navigate accident issues and stay safe on the road, stay tuned to our blog.