Agricultural Machineries
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8 Types of Agricultural Machinery Every Farmer Should Own

Thinking about getting into farming? Already into farming, but looking to kick operations up a notch? If so, you might like to learn a little more about agricultural machinery. 

Fortunately, we can provide you with all the information you need. Without further ado, here are 8 types of agricultural vehicles that every farmer should own. 

1. Combine

When it comes time to harvest crops, no piece of equipment is more integral than the combine. This drivable machine trims and collects crops in one fell swoop, allowing farmers to harvest crops as efficiently as possible. 

Combines come in all different sizes. The size of your combine will be highly dependent on the size of your farm. Of course, with greater size comes greater expense. So, in order to make sure you’re getting a good payoff, you need to make sure that your sizing is accurate. 

You can purchase combines in a wide variety of places, from tractor supply stores to online retail sites to reseller sites like eBay and more. You might even be able to purchase a used combine from a fellow farmer. 

2. Sprayer

In order to keep your crops healthy throughout the growing season, you’re going to need to apply various pesticides and herbicides. Unless your farm is exceedingly small, you’ll need a sprayer to facilitate this.

Like combines, sprayers are driven, spraying various substances on command. They come in all different sizes and offer a range of different efficiencies. 

If you own hundreds of acres, you’re going to need a big spray that covers a lot of ground. If you own under 100 acres, you could make do with something smaller, like an ATV sprayer

3. Baler

If you harvest hay, you’re going to need a machine to help you do it efficiently. The machine you need is a baler. Balers cover ample amounts of ground, trimming and collecting hay and forming it into bales. 

This saves substantial amounts of work, as it prevents you from having to cut by hand, while also preventing you from having to roll bales yourself. 

You can find balers at most farm supply stores. They’re available in a range of sizes and generally cost between $25,000 and $50,000. 

4. Tractor

There are a good many farming machines that don’t possess engines of their own. In order for these machines to operate, they need to be towed by tractors. As such, if you’re a farmer, you need a tractor on your property. 

Some tractors are on the small side and cost no more than $10,000. Other tractors are huge and can cost up to $120,000.

The size you choose is dependent on the size of your farm. Note, though, that some farming equipment requires the horsepower of a large or mid-sized tractor, specifically. Make sure that your tractor is able to haul all of the equipment you need. 

5. Lawnmower

Though the bulk of your farm is bound to consist of agricultural fields, you might have other fields on the premises as well. For instance, if you have livestock, they likely graze in a big field of grass. 

To ensure that these non-agricultural areas are always in good shape, you should keep a lawnmower on the premises. Lawnmowers come in a variety of sizes and speeds. You might be able to get by with a standard riding model, or you might need a high-powered commercial model; it’s all about the amount of mowable areas that your farm possesses. 

6. Cultivator

In order for crops to grow, they must receive an adequate amount of nutrients. And in order for the soil to provide these nutrients, it must be mixed up from time to time. This his where a cultivator comes in handy. 

Cultivators dig through the soil as a means of bringing up beneficial nutrients. In essence, they prepare the soil so that it will properly serve plants. 

These devices are available in a range of sizes. Some are designed to be pushed by human beings (these are best for small farms). Others are meant to be dragged by tractors (these are best for large farms). 

7. Seed Drill

You’ve got to plant your seeds somehow. The best way to do so is with the use of a seed drill. These machines drill into the soil and then inject seeds far beneath it, positioning them for maximum growth potential. 

You can find seed drills in a range of sizes. Some of these are small, hand-pushed models. Others of these are large, engine-driven models. As always, the type you choose will be dependent on the size of your farm. 

Note, whereas small seed drills can be purchased for under $1,000, large, industrial-sized ones will cost you around $30,000. 

8. Plow

The last piece of equipment you need is a plow. Plows are vital to agriculture for a variety of reasons. Not only do they break up your soil as a means of producing seedbeds, but they also help to eliminate weeds. 

Like all farm equipment, plows are available in a variety of sizes. Some plows are small enough for human beings to push while others must be towed by tractors. Your exact needs will depend heavily on the size of your farm. 

Note, there are a variety of different types of plows in existence. Make sure you’re choosing one that suits your needs. 

The Right Agricultural Machinery Can Make All the Difference in the World 

If you’re looking to get the most out of your farm operation, you would be wise to invest in the above-reviewed agricultural machinery. These agricultural machinery components will improve your efficiency and turnover, allowing you to get more crops in and out of the ground in a shorter amount of time. 

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