Person Locked Out of His Car
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What to Do When You’re Locked Out of the Car

If you ever get locked out of your car, don’t worry. You’re not alone. In fact, according to AAA, there are more than four million Americans who lock their keys in their cars every year. 

Some methods for getting back into your car are more embarrassing than others. But either way, you’ll need to stay calm and assess the whole situation. By knowing what to do when you’re locked out of the car, you’ll be able to more quickly resolve the situation and maybe avoid getting into it in the first place.

Are you interested in learning more? If so, then continue reading and we’ll walk you through everything you need to know!

1. Stay Cool and Think About Your Options

Panicking in a situation like this one is common. If you’re trying to get into your car, it’s probably because you have somewhere to be. And the last thing you want to happen is to call for help only to realize that you had an unlocked door this whole time.

Before making that call, check every door and the trunk, just to make sure that you’re truly locked out. 

2. Know Where the Spare Key Is Located

Do you know where your spare key is? Think long and hard about it. There’s a good chance that there’s someone who can bring the spare to you. 

You can avoid this situation in the future by buying replacement keys and giving them to people who you trust. You also might be able to get a temporary key from your car dealer.

3. Call a Locksmith

When you call a trusted and reputable locksmith, like those at Champion Lock & Safe Company, you’ll know that they’ll be able to get into your car without causing any damage. 

It’s a good idea to have a locksmith on speed dial just in case of a situation like this one.

4. Check With Your Car Insurance Provider

There are many car insurance policies that come with roadside assistance. That usually includes helping you out if you ever lock yourself out of your car. 

Coverage limits will vary. But if you do have roadside assistance, then it’ll probably include a lockout. Lockouts are among the cheapest roadside assistance features. 

The cost of getting your vehicle unlocked by a towing service will vary and it can be higher in isolated areas where travel time is taken into account. 

The Importance of Knowing What to Do When You’re Locked Out of the Car

Nobody ever wants to be in a situation of getting locked out of the car. But you can avoid the stress by being prepared should the situation arise. And you can even take preventative measures, like having a spare key, in order to make sure that you avoid this kind of situation altogether.

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