man who locked keys in a car
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5 Brilliant Tips on What to Do If You Lock Your Keys in Your Car

Every year, about 4 million Americans lock their keys inside of their cars. And most of them do the same exact thing once they realize: panic!

Rather than freak out over it, try taking a different approach. Stay calm and remember what to do if you lock your keys in your car.

Here are five tips that will help you make the most of a bad situation and get back into your car as quickly as possible.

1. See If All Your Car Doors Are Definitely Locked

Before you start losing your mind about being locked out of your car, walk around and make sure all of your car doors are definitely closed and locked. There is a chance one of the doors might still be open.

If this turns out to be the case, you won’t have to worry about doing anything else. So you should start here before making your next move.

2. Think About Whether or Not You Have a Spare Key Somewhere

Most cars come with at least two keys. This means that you likely have a spare key for your car somewhere.

More often than not, people leave their spare key at home or give it to their significant other to put on their keychain. Either way, you should think about where your spare key might be and then find a way to go and get it if it’s not too far.

3. Reach Out to Your Roadside Assistance Company

When you own a vehicle, it’s smart to sign up for a roadside assistance program. You can often obtain the services of one right through your auto insurance company.

In the event that you lock your keys in your car, you can call them up and have them send someone out to let you back into your car. It’s one of the biggest advantages of paying for roadside assistance every year.

4. Get in Touch With a Local Locksmith

If you’re locked out of your car because you lost your car keys altogether, you’re going to need to have a new car key made. A local locksmith should be prepared to help you out with this problem.

Call on them to come out and set you up with a car key replacement as soon as they can.

5. Call 911 in an Emergency Situation

It’s especially important to know what to do if you lock your keys in your car when there is a child or pet inside of it. On hot days, it can get very warm in your car and put kids and pets in harm’s way.

Call 911 if you ever find yourself locked out of your car with kids or pets inside. A 911 operator can send someone to your location ASAP to unlock your car or tell you what steps you should take to prevent a tragedy.

Remember What to Do If You Lock Your Keys in Your Car

It’s easy to lose your cool and forget what to do if you lock your keys in your car. You’re going to be tempted to get angry at yourself and those around you.

Take a few deep breaths and keep your composure. By using the tips found here, you can work your way back into your car in no time.

Check out our blog for more tips on solving your biggest car problems.