Gas Mileage on Your Car
Automotive Technology

5 Tips for Getting the Best Gas Mileage on Your Car

Do you find yourself spending more on gas than you’d like? Budgeting for fuel based on your regular journeys is a great idea, but there will always be extra unplanned trips that can bring your expenditure up.

So what can you do about it? One great idea is to get the absolute best gas mileage out of your car that you can. If you want to know how then you’re in the right place.

Keep reading as we take a look at how to drive as economically as possible, as well as some other gas-saving techniques.

1. Buy a New Car

Yes, this seems like an extreme option, and it isn’t for everyone. But if you drive an older car, there’s a good chance that it isn’t as efficient as a new one.

Technology is constantly evolving and improving, and so engines are more efficient than ever. There’s also the fact that as a car gets older, it becomes less efficient as parts become worn.

This means the car may not return the same mpg as claimed when it was new and could be costing you more on gas than you think.

Head to your search engine and look up “cars with good gas mileage” or “best gas mileage truck” for an idea of vehicles that could save you money.

2. Plan Ahead

Planning before you leave can greatly improve your gas mileage.

If you know your route before heading off on a journey, you’re far less likely to take wrong turns and get lost. A map application on your smartphone can help you choose the shortest route or the route with the least starts and stops, which also affects fuel efficiency.

Plan Ahead In the Moment, Too

Planning ahead in the moment has a lot to do with starting and stopping, as we mentioned above. If you slam on your brakes at the last minute and zoom off at green lights, you’ll find yourself burning fuel unnecessarily.

Being aware of your surroundings and driving with care and attention can greatly improve your fuel consumption.

3. Keep Your Tires and Wheel Alignment In Check

Keeping your tires at optimal pressure will not only improve fuel efficiency but will give you a more comfortable ride, too. 

Underinflated tires mean that the car will have to work harder to maintain speed. On top of that, any misalignment in the wheels adds to the extra stress put on the engine.

4. Refuel as Part of a Journey

It’s a waste of gas to head out just to fill up. It’s a far better idea to again plan ahead and stop by a gas station when you’re out and about anyway. 

An even better solution if you run a fleet of vehicles is mobile fuel delivery. You can run a more efficient fleet if they don’t need to refuel, rather have the fuel delivered on site.

5. Drive Light

Where possible, it’s best to be carrying as light a load as possible. While this isn’t always realistic for families, having a car full of belongings can add significantly to your gas expenditure.

If you only drive for a daily commute, there’s really not a need for excessive items weighing a car down. For some, a car is an extra storage facility, but it’ll cost them gas mileage!

Do You Need to Improve Your Gas Mileage?

Using the tips and solutions we’ve highlighted, you should be able to cut down on gas mileage without having to spend a penny unless you decide to get a new car altogether.

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