Electric Vehicle Maintenance Tips
Automobile Maintenance

Top Electric Vehicle Maintenance Tips

Electric vehicles are becoming more and more popular across America. In fact, by 2025, studies show that there will be more than 18 million electric cars on the roads.

These vehicles help you get from A to B in the most eco-friendly way possible. However, electric vehicles are a big investment. The average sticker cost of these cars is $19,000 higher than most traditional gas vehicles.

If your investment is going to last you need to take proper care of it. So read on to find out our electric vehicle maintenance guide.

Battery Checks are Essential

When it comes to maintaining your electric vehicle, you need to pay attention to the battery. After all, your car relies on this to keep going.

Most EV batteries should last for more than 100,000 miles provided that you take care of them properly. This includes: 

  • Charging your battery to 80% (rather than 100%)
  • Avoiding braking too aggressively
  • Driving on smooth terrain
  • Parking out of direct sunlight
  • Not using ‘quick charge’ stations too often 

Maintaining your battery is much cheaper than replacing it completely. Spare batteries and parts for your Porsche, for example, can cost up to $15,000. So you can save a lot of money using routine maintenance.

Caring for Your EV Charging Station 

Of course, to look after your battery properly, you need a charging station that performs well. Maintaining this properly is essential for your battery. 

Level 1 and 2 ESVE systems need cleaning regularly with damp clothes and washing detergent. You will also need to replace the commercial-grade outlet every now and then with the help of a trained electrician. 

Fast-charging stations require more upkeep as they have cooling systems. For help with yours have a look for “electric vehicle maintenance support near me”.

Checking Your Coolant System

Each electrical vehicle has a special cooling system, which reduces the temperature in your car. This helps the battery function efficiently.

It is important that you check on this system regularly to ensure that it is still working. This might involve topping up the coolant fluid in your car.

Occasionally you may have to give your coolant an antifreeze flush to keep it running smoothly. All the instructions for this should be available in your owner’s manual.

Basic Car Maintenance

Whether you drive an electric car or use gas, some elements for car maintenance remain the same. For example, you should regularly: 

  • Check and change your brake fluid
  • Rotate your tires
  • Check your wheel alignments
  • Replace your air filters
  • Service your air conditioning system
  • Top up your wiper fluid
  • Give the underbody of your car a wash

A lot of these tasks are simple and you will be able to do them yourself at home. If you have any concerns about your vehicle, however, it is important to get help from a professional.

Keep These Electric Vehicle Maintenance Tips in Mind

As you can see, when it comes to looking after electric vehicles there are a lot of things to keep in mind. Keep these on your list and you can’t go wrong.

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