Become a Truck Driver
Automotive News

5 Awesome Reasons Why You Should Become a Truck Driver

There are over 3.5 million truck drivers in the U.S, which shows it’s a popular career choice.

Becoming a truck driver has many advantages, whether it’s exploring the country to having ownership over your schedule. Perhaps you’re considering truck driving, but you’re unsure whether it’s the right path for you.

Sounds familiar? Don’t worry, you’ve come to the right place. Here are five reasons you should become a truck driver ASAP.

1. Great Money

All types of truck drivers are guaranteed a generous salary, even from the get-go.

Note, this will vary depending on whether you’re working on your own or for a corporation, but the average starting salary is $40,000. And you can always boost this with bonuses and training so there’s always room for income potential.

If you’re interested, then check out more information here.

2. Little Training Required

Need convincing about becoming a truck driver?

Know that you need minimal training compared to other roles. Most truck driving jobs off training where you earn a Class A CDL and hands-on experience, all taking around a month to complete.

3. Guaranteed Job Stability

Truck driving careers are gaining in popularity, as you’re guaranteed job security. There are plenty of jobs, thanks to the rise in home deliveries from giants like Walmart and Amazon. The U.S claims there’s a shortage of 60,000 truck drivers which shows there are plenty of positions available.

4. Travel the Country

A major reason why people choose trucking is that you travel the country while getting paid. And this is while you set your hours and don’t have a boss breathing down your neck!

This is perfect if you’re tired of working in the office or get bored going into the same place every day. Instead, drive by the Grand Canyon, Lake Tahoe, and many other gorgeous pits stop along America’s breathtaking landscape.

Further, while you’re on the road, you’ll meet new people, whether it’s a new trucker or kind samaritans along the way. And because you’ll spend so much time with coworkers, you’ll form bonds that will last a lifetime.

Plus, many truck companies give back to their communities such as donating to the Salvation Army or Veterans. This means training to become the best truck driver will improve the lives of others too.

5. Enjoy Benefits

An alluring aspect of trucking is a reliable paycheck and plenty of benefits. For instance, truckers get health insurance, retirement plans, and paid vacation. Further, if you’re working for an operator then you also get a 401 (k) plan, giving you peace of mind.

Most companies also give you freedom so you can be home at the weekends for quality family time.

Become a Truck Driver Today

Hopefully, after reading this article, you’re now convinced to become a truck driver.

Truckers enjoy job stability, a generous paycheck, and fantastic benefits. It also requires little training and lets you travel the country while you’re on the clock. What’s not to love?

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