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A Comprehensive Equipment Hauling Checklist

Hauling equipment can be extremely dangerous if you go about things in the wrong manner. Because of this, it is important you use a checklist to ensure you’re not putting yourself in harm’s way.

But if you’ve never hauled equipment before, you might not know how to develop such a checklist. Luckily, it’s not too hard to create a checklist.

In fact, if you keep reading, you’ll learn everything you need to know about creating an equipment hauling checklist. By the time you’re finished, you’ll understand what it takes to haul equipment, without putting yourself or others in danger.

Let’s begin!

Pay Attention to Weight Ratings

Each vehicle is going to have its own individual weight rating and not all vehicles are suited to heavy equipment transport. You need to check the weight rating of the vehicle you are using and then make sure the equipment doesn’t exceed this rating.

It is important you check the ‘gross’ combination rating. This is the weight of the equipment and the vehicle itself. You will be able to find out what the weight recommendations are by checking the documentation of the vehicle involved. If it does, you will need to think about obtaining another vehicle to get the job done.

It’s worth mentioning that you should also check whether your vehicle breaks any weight limit laws. The laws regarding weight limits is going to vary depending on the state in question and what is being transported.

Equipment Placement

You should also think about how you are going to place the equipment onto the vehicle.

You need to ensure you do not place the items in a way that puts the vehicle out of balance. This is especially true for small equipment that is very heavy. If you need help with this contact the manufacturer of your vehicle.

Look out for Specific Loading Guidelines

You should also check to see if there are any specific loading guidelines, in relation to the items you are loading. For instance, you might need to invest in certain kinds of brake pads, locking pins or even gears.

If you are using a specialist vehicle, the company that makes this vehicle should be able to provide you with some guidance. If they are unable to do so, you might want to speak to the company that has manufactured the equipment.

Check the Securement Locations

You need to spend some time inspecting the securement points in your vehicle.

These are the points in your vehicle that will be connected to the items that hold the equipment in place. You should check whether these points are worn out or in bad condition.

If they look like they could do with some improvement, you may need to spend money on having these points repaired. If you are facing a time constraint, you might have to focus on obtaining a different vehicle.

Check the Tire Pressure

Before you start loading the equipment, it is important you check the tire pressure of the vehicle you are using. You need to make sure the tire pressure is within the correct range. If it is not you will need to correct this before you transport anything.

You can find out what the required tire pressure is by checking the documentation of the vehicle being used.

While you are doing this you should also check the quality of the tires. Make sure they are not ‘balding.’ If there is insufficient tread, you will need to replace them.

Keep the Vehicle Clean

Make sure the area on/in the vehicle that is being used to house the equipment is clean.

If there is any debris or moisture, it could lead to reduced levels of friction. The reduced friction is a problem because it could lead to the items moving around as they are being transported.

This could put extra strain on anything being used to hold the equipment in place. If the strain is significant, whatever is holding the equipment in place might ‘fail.’

Is There a Need for Extra Friction?

As mentioned friction can help keep heavy equipment in place, during the equipment hauling process.

But if there is a lack of friction between the equipment and the vehicle being used, you may need to take measures to fix this. You can do this with the help of something known as a friction device.

Tie down Requirements

When loading equipment, think about using at least four ‘tie downs.’
This will help prevent the equipment from moving backward and forwards, but also from side to side.

If you feel that this number of tie downs is not sufficient, you can certainly add more. Just make sure the tie downs you are using are of high quality. With heavy equipment, you will tend to find that chains make the best tie downs.

You should also verify that your tie down efforts align with your local cargo securement rules. Such rules often dictate that there is a certain amount an item is allowed to move, once it has been secured down.

Be Cautious When Loading Equipment

At some point, you will need to place your equipment on the vehicle being used to transport it. You will likely need to use some kind of machinery to help you do this.

It is essential that you do not operate such machinery if you do not know how to use it. If you have little confidence with using such machinery, you might want to hire a firm to help you load your equipment onto the vehicle.

Happy Equipment Hauling?

Equipment hauling is something that can be quite challenging. You need to make sure you take the necessary precautions so that you do not make any mistakes.

This post can serve as a checklist of sorts, that can help you identify some of the key things you need to be aware of when hauling equipment. This checklist is not exhaustive, but it does get you going in the right direction.

Make sure you follow the guidelines of the vehicle you are using, in relation to weight ratings and how to go about heavy equipment transport. You also need to check the transportation guidelines provided by the relevant equipment company.

Doing things this way will help you remain safe, even if you are transporting an unusual piece of equipment.

And remember – if you doubt your ability to transport equipment there’s always the option of hiring a specialist company to help you get the task done.

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